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Enrichment Boxes

          I worked with Curiodyssey, a science playground and zoo to develop these enrichment boxes for display in their habitats. CuriOdyssey is an AZA-accredited zoo, and as part of this zookeepers change each habitat multiple times a week. These boxes are designed to be highly adaptable and organizable into different formations and for different animals. Boxes are also designed to give animals a sense of privacy while still remaining visible to guests. 


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Possible Arrangement

I consulted with zookeepers and observed the animals to understand how they behave. The final can be switched between enclosures and rearranged to create hundreds of different combinations.

Curious Raccoon!
Scale Models

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I then went through several iterations of different possibilities, and once I settled on adaptable boxes, I created a scale model of one box. I also worked closely with zookeepers to make sure boxes posed no safety hazards.

CuriOdyssey Enrichment Boxes

The racoons loved their new habitat. In the more than six years that these boxes have been in continuous use, many animals including foxes and otters have enjoyed them!

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